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Staycation Experiences Deluxe retreat

Indulge in the gift of a well-earned retreat.

Start with a gift box of deluxe treats that will make your stay that little bit more special. Take time to relax by the fire before getting ready for our Coq & Bull dining experience - the finest of local produce, beautifully cooked and presented, enjoyed inside or outside on our cosy terrace. Retire to one of our stylish rooms for a blissful night’s sleep then why not finish off with breakfast in bed the next day?

1 night B&B, 3 course dinner, glass of prosecco and a gift box of deluxe treats from £255 for 2 guests.

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Tripadvisor Travellers Choice Awards 2024 Good Hotel 202324 1 Green Tourism 9.3 Superb - Georgina Campbell Award 2023